Monday, August 11, 2014

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."
-Maya Angelou
I've never done a blog before, it seems like something I will be good as being that I always have a lot to say! I wanted to start writing about my experiences and sharing with everyone why I became a coach and why I love my Beachbody family so much!! I have done Beachbody programs in the past, a couple years ago I ordered Insanity after seeing the infomercial on TV. I was so excited when it came in the mail and Dustin and I immediately started the program. FAIL. Not only were we in horrible shape at the time, but I couldn't even walk the next day! We were 'dieting' at the time and eating way to little calories for the amount of energy we were expending!! What I did not know is that when I bought the program I could have signed up for a FREE Beachbody coach.. someone who would be there to help me from the start. I did not know about the other programs Beachbody offered, or about how important following the meal plan was. We quit Insanity after almost two weeks.
When a close friend of mine started doing Beachbody and asked me to join her, I was hesitant. I had done this before and wasn't sure that I would be able to stick with anything long enough to get my money's worth. She recommended the 21 Day Fix program and I decided to give it a try. My favorite part: Shakeology! Instant love. Love. LOVE. I would look forward to having my shake every morning, as a snack, after a workout, or before bed. Whenever I could fit it in. Shakeology made me feel amazing and is a huge part of why I became a coach.
I love helping people, that's why I became a pharmacist and why I became a coach. It changes how you look at fitness and working out. To get results you need the support and motivation of having someone cheering you on. You need the accountability of a group to keep you on track. It's an added perk to see everyone's results after!
I'm a Beachbody coach because I believe it works. I have lived it firsthand and know that there are no shortcuts, no gimmicks, and no quick fixes. Just hard work and some help from your friends!

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